Apply to save money

You shop only when there’s a discount. You opt to make dinner at home rather than eat out at your neighboring restaurant. You are a student in the art of budgeting, but you have yet to be a teacher in properly saving your money. The fact of the matter is, penny-pinching is an effective method that it is also met with limitations when considering the multitude of calculations you’ll have to do. Frankly, it’s not unheard of to exceed your budget if your only scale of measurements are merely recalling numbers in your head or occasionally checking your activity log only to find out that you spent more than intended. That’s why adding applications (no pun intended) to your economic catastrophe will have you, the struggling budgeting student become the sufficient master.

Technology, rather than creep and crawl into our lives has instead lunged and jumped at us head-first. Instead of letting our techy friend crash to the ground, we should brace for impact, spread our arms and catch it. Figurative language aside, utilizing technology, namely phone applications, will serve as our money saving partner. Wired, the renowned news article, credits apps like Mint, Acorns, and Credit Karma as just a number of credible platforms for ensuring that budgets are upheld and money is preserved. Saving money is plausible, however applying applications will ensure credit certainty and an even healthier savings.

So Smart We’re Dumb?

Man has come to a steady conclusion: we are all only as great as the sum of our parts. We understand the importance of developing ourselves and being self-sufficient, but we also aren’t too proud to lean on a friend, a partner or a piece of software. Man continues to push his or her calendar of ideas, but specifically in pairs rather than individuals; however, our dependency has transitioned to favoring artificial intelligence. In a world consumed with smart phones and complex software, the onus towards our own development seems stagnant while for technology it appears to be more dynamic than ever. With our thesis of progression dependent on technology we can only ponder the limitations of our intelligence and the limitless opportunities for artificial partners.

Recently, Ray Kurzweli–computer scientist and member of Google’s staff–sought out to synthesize language with artificial intelligence as an application to our everyday life. Within the past few months, those who use Gmail (which are many) should have already encountered Kurzweli’s brain child of “smart replies,” where human language and artificial diction meet a medium. While engaging in a chain of email replies between yourself and a companion, at the end of the email you should be met with very adequate responses. Though a simple application in our everyday life, Kuezweli succeeds in blurring the lines of language as a human concept where software can simply replicate our diction and syntax with its smart replies.

We still only seem to be tapping the surface of the software we meddle in, and with such a great focus on artificial intelligence it makes you wonder if we have come to a standstill on our own intelligence. An interdependent relationship is ideal for growth and we have affirmed our relationship with technology as the current and ultimate bond of that paradigm; however, there is a fine line between interdependency and dependency. We’ll always be smart but will technology appear to be so smart that we seem “dumb” by comparison?

For more information, click here

Comic Book X Conversation 01 Founder, Andre Mason

Character diversity in comics books is a long-standing and overdue issue. However, it’s how many of the publishing companies have gone about creating and developing them that’s causing such controversy and backlash.

There’s a hand full of characters or color, gender, and sexual orientation is shown in a limited capacity for decades in mainstream comics. Publishers are navigating new territory by finally adding characters that are representative of today’s society. Unfortunately, this tactic doesn’t seem to be catching on. Several Indie books have shown great strides in this area and the big name publishers can take a cue from them. So how can comic book companies manage diversity and representation in their characters and make it effective for readers and sales?

Our discussion will cover:

  • Legacy vs New: The common pitfalls of inclusion in comic book narratives
  • How comic book publishers can learn from certain missteps
  • Reinforce positive representation for creators and fans and how important is it for the future of comic books

The making of the VC Cheat Sheet

Even after stumbling over the word “positionality”–uncertain of its validity and existence in Webster’s dictionary–Melissa Jackson and her partner, Anthony Frasier, are certain that they have crafted the cheat code needed for small businesses to properly work with venture capitals. Jackson, a program manager for the black and latino tech initiative at Rutgers’ business school, and Frasier, a starter of tech businesses, met with talk show host Karen Hunter to discuss their steps towards entrepreneurial success. As the conversation begins, Jackson reveals the thesis of their conversation: cracking the code on how to raise money for early stage companies.

Jackson attributes the success of her crafted cheat sheet from simply interviewing VCs. She would listen and record the necessary information each VC would provide. Hunter, surprised by Jackson’s simplistic approach, queried the pair’s knowledge on entrepreneurs of color and their success. Frasier, then, chimed in by referencing Porter Braswell, CEO and Co-founder of Jopwell–a liaison company eager to help create a more diverse workforce. As reassurement, he cited Braswell’s credential in amassing four million dollars through VCs. Frasier concluded Braswell’s success seems foreign to other would-be entrepreneurs and startups due to their unfamiliarity in networking with VCs. Jackson, however, believes that their 10 week pre-accelerator, network and cheat sheet will lead towards success for entrepreneurs and their startups–especially those of color.    


For more information, click here

Calixtech News Podcast (Episode 3)

Calixtech News is your one way stop for all things tech, from new gadget & movie reviews to podcasts with innovative and technologically advanced leaders.

Check out episode 3 of Calixtech News Podcast with, technology founder of mobile dating site Cheekd, Lori Cheek and Calixtech News founder, Reginald Calixte!!

Click here to listen in!

CULTURE SPACE presents Comic Books X Conversations

July 15th, 2017
2:00pm – 4:00pm 

How to Reconcile Diversity In Comic Books for Creators and Fans

Character diversity in comics books is a long-standing and overdue issue. However, it’s how many of the publishing companies have gone about creating and developing them that’s causing such controversy and backlash.

There’s a hand full of characters or color, gender, and sexual orientation is shown a  limited capacity for decades in mainstream comics. Publishers are navigating new territory by finally adding characters that are representative of today’s society. Unfortunately, this tactic doesn’t seem to be catching on. Several Indie books have shown great strides in this area and the big name publishers can take a cue from them. So how can comic book companies manage diversity and representation in their characters and make it effective for readers and sales?

Our discussion will cover:

  • Legacy vs New: The common pitfalls of inclusion in comic book narratives
  • How comic book publishers can learn from certain missteps
  • Reinforce positive representation for creators and fans and how important is it for the future of comic books


Calixtech News with our Founder Medina

CTN Podcast Episode 1 – Featuring Citi Medina Founder of Equal Space & Jhamar Youngblood Founder of Blast Chat.
Discussing Diversity in Tech, The City of Newark, And Education

June Calendar

We are committed to connecting with the community on a deeper level and building bridges for others to cross. That is the mission of this calendar, to remind everyone of the beauties and opportunities that Newark offers. Enjoy EqualSpace Monthly, give us your time and we will give you the latest and greatest in Newark SPACE(r)!